Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Missing Sweet Georgia Pie

I love both my childrem very much - more and more each day

Georgia was THE BEST baby ever, she was so happy and never got into trouble, she was so pretty and SO adorable, happy and innocent.

She was a such a sweetheart and so quiet

Nothing like her brother, I love him very much but he is quite the trouble maker and at 1 is already a handful

Now that's she 3, and has a little brother she is not so happy, she gets into a lot more trouble and does not understand the concept of leaving her brother alone - she's full of spunk instead of innocence
Overall she is a great kid and I love her to death but sometimes i just miss that sweet face -
My Sweet Georgia Pie

Thank You Auntie

From Owen

A few pictures to show you just how much he loves the gloworm you bought him!

This is how upset he gets when someone (georgia) takes gloworm away

This is Owen showing off his gloworm

This is him happy to have his gloworm back

This is how the gloworm makes him tired

This is Owen trying to put the gloworm in the way too tiny truck

Thank You Auntie,

Now Georgia wants one!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh the Places he's been

We took him tobogganing

And to the jungle

And to the Great Wall of China

He even travelled back in time to pose with Joseph & Mary - he took a nap in baby Jesus' bed

he's a very well travelled young boy

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where Does Milk Come From?

Yes it's been a while, the world has been busy but I had to make time for this one
You know those emails you get where kids answer questions awesomely (like what is a gramma?) or the show kids say the darndest things?
This is one of those posts - so enjoy
Let's start with Owen
he's a trouble maker, in to everything so we tell him bad boy A LOT
He has his good moments and he is definitely a sweetie so when he does good we tell him as well
When we say Good Boy, he will argue with us "ba Boy" he says
It almost makes you sad for him :(
Owen isn't talking much yet so that about it for him as far as things he says, but he really does the darndest things - like chew on shoes, play/ eat from the garbage (eww), play/ drink from the toilet (ewwer) He carries his blanky around with him with such pride and give kisses like crazy (sometimes a little to freely - should I worry?)
And anything that is round in shape is a ball or "BA"
Sweetest, Cutest Little Boy in All the World - I couldn't love him more
Then there is Georgia
We've had a number of those kids say the darndest thing moments with her
Most recently we have
Where does Milk Come From? (asked by Chris)
Georgia's Answer
We were out for supper and Nate went to the bathroom, I asked "was it good" and then Georgia said "Or did it suck!"
When I cough she now tells me to cover my mouth
She sings along to Katy Perry " You PMS like a Bitch - I would know"
She is a good kid for the most part
Unfortunately I am drawing a blank now as I am sure there are many more Hilarious things my daughter has said and I am sure other people could tell me some, so if you know any feel free to send them my way - maybe I'll add them
Where does milk come from?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Owen is One


How did this happen?

He is talking (well not like a pro or anything but he tries) - he's got some basic sounds that literate into a few different words - poo poo, boo, kiss, this, juice ( except, he says jus like the french), allo (hello - again; I don't know where the french is coming from), he says ba for banana (when he sees it at the table and wants some), tookie (for cookie of course) up, mum, yum (which is actually um and can easily be confused for mum) dadada, he also tries really hard to say Georgia although he says it different every time so we haven't established a specific word but you know when he's trying.
He also knows how to sign - all done, more, eat, drink and thank you
He blows kisses which you would think would look the same as signing thank you, but when he is blowing you a kiss he will make a kissy smooching sound
He is just starting to walk and will likely be motoring around by Christmas (If not before than)
He is very quick to pick up on things and not afraid to fall - an example would be the book I bought him with animal sounds, after the 3rd time i read it to him he was copying the animal sounds

My Favorite Picture

Maybe it's not a work of art, maybe the lighting is off, maybe it is photography disaster or maybe not, what it is; is a beautiful picture of my children.
Georgia looks so beautiful and although annoyed, Owen looks as cute as ever.
They are together, not fighting or screaming, they are both atleast content and sat still long enough for me to take this picture.
Another thing great about this picture is that it was taken OUTSIDE on November 4 - that's right NOVEMBER - it was warm enought that niether child needed to be bundled
(which in my opinion usually ruins a good picture - unless of course you are rich enough to afford really nice outerwear so they look super stylish)
Don't you just wanna squeeze them!

Friday, September 26, 2008


A new species of Dinosaur has been discovered

The Turtlesaurus

Sorry to anyone who might think that they have already discovered this species -

you were fooled -

I have found the one and ONLY


And I have named him OWEN

A rather strange species -

  • 4 eyes ( 2 that don't move)

  • the cutest pudgy little face (cuter than any other dinosaur species)

  • Definetely a herbivor as it did not try to attack me (either this it was not hungry at the time)

  • very friendly and a little bit bashful

  • soft, squishy and cuddly (unlike any other species)

  • rather short and awkward on 2 feet

  • very few dull rounded teeth (yet another sign of herbivorism)

  • tries to communicate in some foreign language (tho more similar to ours than one would expect)

  • likes to dance

  • can tear apart a clean room in 2 seconds flat

  • tries to pull it's own head off and was successful at twisting it

  • very cute

  • oh and he calls me MOM

I think I will keep him

I could've made millions off these photos but thought I'd share them with you instead

So we got the kids halloween costumes - Owen got a turtle costume at the Childrens Place that I think looks kind of like a dinosaur as well (luckily cause I really wanted a dinosuar costume for him) anyway I ordered him some Babylegs to keep his legs warm and they came today - So I put him in the whole outfit and had to post these pictures -

Isn't he cute?